Monday, September 10, 2018

Week 3

Happy third week of school!

For this week...

Vocab: Flocab unit #3 is due Friday and students will have their first cumulative test on Friday (over units 1-3).

Writing: We are going over strategies for narrative writing this week and also literary devices found in literature.

Math: We are working on our first math module.  Students should be able to multiply/divide by powers of ten, work with/compute decimal numbers out to the thousandths place.

Reading: We just finished our first read aloud, "Because of Mr. Terupt," written by Rob Buyea.  We started "Out of my Mind," by Sharon Draper today.

Students are currently getting their IRLA level assessed.  Students should be reading at least 30 minutes every night.

Science: Today, we played around with some new technology.  We will be using the Zoomy's again in the future.

Social Studies: We will start our unit on the explorers/natives this week.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

This Week

Happy second week of school!

Your work for this week:

Vocab: Flocab Unit #2 is due Friday/ Quiz Friday.  Your first cumulative test is next Friday over unit 1-3.  Make sure you're studying your words :).

Writing: We have just started your "narrative unit."  Your "WOW" flip art/quote analysis is due Friday.

Reading: You should be reading at least 30 minutes every night.  The book you read should be at your level and be just challenging enough that you can pick up new vocabulary but also understand what you're reading.

Math: This is your last week of "inspirational math." We will start your first unit of Eureka Math on Monday (9/10)

STEAM: We have learned some new art techniques (3d, comics) and will move on to some science/social studies exploration next week.