Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Hey, class!

LIBRARY WEBSITE :): https://sites.google.com/a/beaverton.k12.or.us/mrs-calkins-bethany-litt/

Good work today... some things to be aware of for tomorrow.

Math: Lesson 5 homework is due tomorrow

Reading: We will go over what reading homework will look like tomorrow.  You will start having nightly reading homework.

Writing: Hopefully, you have started your white packet/interview for the family history project. My life is due Friday.

Social studies: We started our new unit today :).  We will use the laptops this week to conduct more research and we will also be rummaging through books to find more information.

Vocab: You will have your first cumulative test NEXT FRIDAY on units 1-3 (you will get unit three next Monday).  Make sure you are studying :).

PARENTS!  BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT IS THIS THURSDAY FROM 6-8 PM.  I sent an email out about this as well.  Nothing too hardcore... just a way for us to meet again, chat about whatever your curious about and talk about conferences.

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