Monday, November 2, 2015


Hey class!

Homework for tonight:

Vocab: WW9/cumulative test (7-9) Friday

Math: Differs by class

Social Studies: You have your cumulative test on the Explorers/Native American unit tomorrow.  We did a review in class today.  There will be essay questions on your test tomorrow too.  If you would like to prepare for those/study, they are below.  You cannot bring in pre-written essays to the test, but you can practice at home as a study strategy.

1.  Why did European explorers travel to the New World?  What were their reasons for going?

2.  Describe one of the Native American Nations.  You must include geographical location, natural resources, foods, culture and lifestyle.

3. Describe one explorer.  Include birth, sponsoring country, discovery and/or achievement, time of exploration and any interesting facts.

4.  When the explorers int he 16th and 17th centuries reached the New World, they discovered they were virtually empty.  What happened to the Native Americans?



Want Flocabulary to shout out your school in The Week in Rap?
Then enter...
The Week in Rap Shout-Out Contest
For a shout-out on Friday, November 13, 2015, entries are due Thursday, November 5, 2015, by 6 P.M. EST.

Heighten the Drama

This week, we covered the first game of the World Series. The 14-inning long game is now tied for the longest in World Series history. It was the Mets' first World Series in 15 years. Not only that, but there was a 4-minute blackout in the broadcast due to technical difficulties, and one of the Royals' players learned of a death in his family after the 6th inning. For this week's shout out contest, we want you to capture—and heighten—the drama of one or two of these events in writing. Become a sports announcer at the field and write up a transcript. Keep the tension high as you commentate. Be creative and keep listeners on the edge of their seats. Send us your transcript of one or two of the most dramatic moments, and if you can, record yourself and send us video or audio of your broadcast too!

Have a great night :)

Ms. Evans


  1. There are only 4 questions for the cumulative test. Are there more questions, or only 4?

  2. Only four essay questions :). 26 matching questions from the 28 facts sheet.
