For homework:
Vocab: WW11 due Monday
Writing: You should have your introduction paragraph completed for your persuasive writing and have a start on your first body paragraph.
Reading: Read/Skill card
Want Flocabulary to shout out your school in The Week in Rap?
Then enter...
Then enter...

For a shout-out on Friday, March 4, 2016, entries are due Thursday, February 25, 2016, by 6 P.M. EST.
Hear a Nominee
This week, we covered the death of Justice Antonin Scalia and the debate over who should nominate his successor. There are several steps to becoming a Supreme Court justice, and the nomination is just the first. After the nomination, a committee of 20 people, will have a hearing and vote on whether the nomination should pass to the next step. For this week's shout out contest, we want you to imagine you're on that committee. What questions will you ask the nominee? What do you want to know about the nominee's experience, qualifications or political beliefs? Send us 3 or more questions you’d ask of the next justice of the United States' highest federal court. You can send us the responses you'd like to hear from the nominee as well! .
Note: Students, your teachers must submit for you. Any video submissions should be horizontal.
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