Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Hey class!

Vocab: WW4/Quiz Friday

Writing: Your FHP should be completed by tomorrow so we can practice.  There will be time given to write out the captions for your artifacts tomorrow, however, considering how annoying the laptops were today, you might want to take it upon yourself to complete this at home as well.  Our laptops are not to be trusted.

Math: Lesson 15 homework is due tomorrow.  You will get a review tomorrow and will have your module 1 exam Friday.

Social Studies: Your codex is due this Friday.  Depending how well you use your time, I may give some time tomorrow to work on it as well.  You have a quiz on Friday over facts 9-18.

Have a nice evening :)

(A painting of Dobby done by an awesome old student of mine.  It's hard to believe it is his first time painting!!)

Ms. Evans

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Hey class!


Vocab: WW4 due Fri./quiz Fri.

Writing: Your FHP final draft should be completed by Thursday.  We will work together on Thursday to write up your little captions for your artifacts. Be ready to present FRIDAY.

Math: Homework Lesson 14

Have a good rest of your day!

Ms. Evans :)

Monday, September 28, 2015


Hey class!

Vocab: WW4 due Friday/Quiz Friday

Math: Lesson 13 homework


Social Studies: You have a quiz on facts 9-18 this Friday.  Your codex will be due Friday as well.

Have a great day!

Ms. Evans

Friday, September 25, 2015


Hey class!

Great work today!

You have no homework UNLESS you didn't finish your math lesson 12 homework in class.

We will be presenting your "Family History Project" this coming Friday.  Next week, we will be spending more time finishing your writing for that project and putting together your presentation.

FAMILY HISTORY ARTIFACTS: We will be showing/presenting these items Oct. 2nd (this coming Friday)... feel free to keep your precious items at home until Friday... we have limited room in our portable.

Have a great weekend :)

Ms. Evans

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Hey class!

For tonight:

Vocab: WW3 due tomorrow and your first cumulative test is tomorrow.  I gave you a study guide on Tuesday.  It is strongly suggested that you look over that if you want to be successful :).

Writing: Today we looked at examples of autobiographies and biographies.  We noticed that usually they started with some anecdote or interesting fact to engage the reader.  Your homework tonight is to write your introduction paragraph for your family history project.

Social Studies: If you didn't finish your atlas work, it is homework for tonight.  Remember to never leave your atlas at home... or your binder for that matter :).

Math: Lesson 11 homework is due tomorrow
ALSO -- Share with your parents your mid-module test. They know it's coming home because I sent home an email :).

Have a great night and see you guys/gals tomorrow!

Ms. Evans

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Hey class!

Some things to be aware of for tomorrow:

Vocab: Your cumulative test is approaching... study your words!  WW3 due Friday.

Social Studies: Your quiz on facts 1-8 is tomorrow.  Make sure you review them!

That's it for tonight.  Tomorrow we will look at biographies of famous people to get ideas on how to craft your essay for your family history project.

Dobby wishes you a happy Wednesday :).

Have a great evening :)

Ms. Evans

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Hey, class!

For homework tonight:

Math: Lesson 10 homework.  Tomorrow, we will go over your mid module review.

Vocab: You were given a cumulative exam review today.  STUDY your words!! :).  Test Friday.

Social Studies: You have your quiz on facts 1-8 this Thursday.  You will have 9-18 next Tuesday.

Family history project: We will be looking at biography's tomorrow in class to start giving students ideas on how to begin their writing.

Writing: We started our writing journals today.  One or two prompts will be given each week and checked by me on Wednesday/Thursdays.  Responses should be roughly one paragraph.  Quality over quantity :).

Todays writing prompt: "If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?"

...And because some of you had a "case of the Mondays" today...

Have a nice evening and don't procrastinate!

Ms. Evans 

Monday, September 21, 2015


Hey, class!

For tonight:

Vocab: WW3 due Friday and your first cumulative test is Friday.  You will get your word list tomorrow (but you have the green definition sheets for units 1-3 already).

Math: Lesson 9 homework is due tomorrow

Also, many of you came to school not feeling too healthy.  Make sure you're getting your rest and keeping your hands clean :).

Ms. Evans

Friday, September 18, 2015

Happy Friday

Hey class!

What a great week!


If you are on track for success, you have completed your WW2, My Life and your math homework assignment 8.

Normally, I do not give homework on the weekends.  If you happened to have procrastinated, you will be working on your "Family History Basic Information and Artifacts" sheet.  YOU DO NOT need to bring in artifacts for Monday, you just need to have them written down and explained.

Weekly Challenge Assignment: (For entry in the Flocabulary contest)
(This will be due at the beginning of the day, next Thursday.  Submissions need to be emailed to me at

Conduct a Survey

This week, we covered a story about how one-third of US children and teens still eat fast food every day. Researchers got this number by surveying children or their parents and asking what the kids had eaten over the previous 24 hours. For this week's contest, we wantyou to design and conduct a survey. Pick a question that you want answered. Maybe you want to know how classmates feel about a certain issue, or you have an opinion about something and want to see if others agree. For example, "Do students in my class like or dislike our school uniforms?" Predict what you think the results will be, and survey your classmates. Write a paragraph summarizing your question, your prediction and your results, and explain why you think they turned out that way. If you'd like, also create a graph, chart, table or another visual representation of your results!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!

Ms Evans :)

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Hey, class!

Some things to note...


Back to school night is from 6-8 today.  Parents only :).


Vocab: WW2 is due tomorrow... you will also have a quiz tomorrow

Math: Lesson 8 due tomorrow... mid module quiz tomorrow

Writing: My Life is due tomorrow!  YOU HAVE HAD NEARLY TWO WEEKS. NO EXTENSIONS.

Social Studies/Writing: Your "family history project" white packet is due Monday, your permission slip is due tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Hey class!

Good work today!  For homework:

Math: Lesson 6 due tomorrow

Writing: My Life is due Friday

Vocab: WW2 due Friday, quiz Fri

Social Studies/Writing: Family history project yellow permission slip due Friday.  White packet due Monday

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Hey, class!


Good work today... some things to be aware of for tomorrow.

Math: Lesson 5 homework is due tomorrow

Reading: We will go over what reading homework will look like tomorrow.  You will start having nightly reading homework.

Writing: Hopefully, you have started your white packet/interview for the family history project. My life is due Friday.

Social studies: We started our new unit today :).  We will use the laptops this week to conduct more research and we will also be rummaging through books to find more information.

Vocab: You will have your first cumulative test NEXT FRIDAY on units 1-3 (you will get unit three next Monday).  Make sure you are studying :).

PARENTS!  BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT IS THIS THURSDAY FROM 6-8 PM.  I sent an email out about this as well.  Nothing too hardcore... just a way for us to meet again, chat about whatever your curious about and talk about conferences.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy Monday!

Hey, class!


This week at a glance (This includes due dates and units of study).

Vocab: WW2 is due Friday and you will have your second quiz

Math: Module 1 -- today we learned about powers of ten and exponents.  It is my hope that you understand the relationship and pattern between multiplying/dividing numbers by 10 (and powers of ten). Homework Lesson 3 is due tomorrow!

For instance:

3.45 x 100 = 345.  Notice you move the decimal point over to the right two spots (there are two zeros in the number 100) to get your answer.

41.567 x 10^4 = 415,670. Notice you move the decimal point over to the right four spots (there are four zeros in 10,000) to get your answer.


412.67 x 10^3 = .41267  Notice you move the decimal point over three spots (there are three zeros in 1,000) to get your answer.

Reading: You guys will finish the reading strategies this week (Contrast and contradictions, Aha moment, tough questions, memory moment, words of the wise, repetition).
We will start your reading/writing journals later this week!

Writing: My life is due this Friday! We will start crafting our essays for the family history project later this week as well.

Social Studies: We started our unit on the native americans today!

("Bee" nice to them :))

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday :)

Hey, class!

What a fun week!  It truly has been a pleasure getting to work with you all this first week. Have a relaxing weekend filled with family and fun :).


Your student took their first "Flocabulary" test.  I have stapled their pretest to their post test and I am happy to report EVERY STUDENT made great improvements.  Please have them show you their tests.

I am starting your kids on the 6th grade vocab work and they will end the year completing all of the 6th, 7th and 8th grade vocabulary (630 words).  You may ask why I am starting them on 6th grade and having them complete the 7th and 8th -- to answer, studies show a direct link between academic success and vocabulary development. :).

A quick note about homework on the weekends... rarely will I give homework on the weekends.  I understand this is a time for family, for extra curricular activities and also a time to recharge for the upcoming week.  If you feel adamant that your child do work on the weekend, they can always log on to mobymax and get more practice work there.


You do not have homework this weekend unless you did not complete your Lesson 2 math homework.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Hey class!

Great work today.  I know that we spent two hours with math this morning, so we will continue on our second lesson in Module 1 tomorrow.  We will also go over your homework from Wednesday tomorrow as well.

Today, your student was given a "placement test" for math using our new program called "Moby Max."  This is a online program similar to IXL, but better :).  Your child has their username/password written in their planners and can access this website anytime they are connected to the internet.  Please encourage your child to spend as much time on this program whenever they have free time. The more practice they get with math/reading/writing, the better they will be!  Have your student show you!


Homework today...

Your WW1 packet is due tomorrow (9/11)
You have a quiz on WW1 words tomorrow (9/11)

Continue working on "My Life."  You will get some time during school hours, but this will be due next Friday (9/18)

Get thinking about who you are interviewing for your family history project as well.

We will review your homework (lesson 1) tomorrow and we will cover lesson 2 tomorrow as well.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

Hi, class!

Great work today.  I am so happy we are off to such a great start this year.

For parents: 
Today we went over a new classroom routine that will happen every Tues/Thurs (fluency tracking). It is my hope that when your child is at home reading, they do take a few minutes to not only discuss what they are thinking about/learning from their book but read out loud to you as well.  This allows them to work on their oral fluency, which they will be improving this year.

For math, we will be working on our first "Module" together as a group.  This module is intended to be review and has your child master how to fluently multiply/divide decimals by 10s, 100s, 1,000s. After this module is completed, your student will be switching math classes for one that will best suite their individual needs.

For writing, it is my assumption that your child has spoken with you about the "family history project." We will work more on this in the next couple of weeks.  For this week and next, I have assigned a mini-project called "My life." The purpose is to get to know your student on a personal level (likes, goals, hopes, stressors) so I can make class relevant and fun for your student.  This project will be due next Friday (9/18).

For homework in general, please note that some assignments will be due the following day and some will be more long term in nature.  The reason for this is to allow students to work on their time management skills.  Next year, not all homework given will be due the next day.  This year, some students will have to learn the hard way (like I did when I was in 5th grade) that procrastination, although lovely at the start, really can be quite awful.  Please check in with your child to help them prioritize.  The more reinforcement they receive on how to plan their time wisely, the easier it will become.

As always, if you have questions please feel free to email me (
However, if you have questions about your student turning in homework, please always check with them first.  It is my goal that this year, your child owns their learning and becomes a self advocate.  In middle school, independence and self advocacy is key to their success.  I want them to be prepared to dominate their 6th grade year (and the years to follow :))!

For students:


Math: Lesson 1 homework is due tomorrow.  If you don't understand something, you MUST TRY and make a note what is confusing -- be ready to ask a question when we review the answers.

My Life (part one and part two) is due next Friday (9/18).
Family history informative slip (parent signature) is due next Friday (9/18)
Family history interview questions (the white packet) are due Monday 9/21.

WW1 is due Friday (9/11)
First vocab quiz (over WW1 words) is on Friday (9/11)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A great first day!

Hey, class!

I had such a wonderful day with all of you!  I am looking forward to this year and all of the growth you will be making.  :).

Current read aloud: Wonder by R.J. Palacio

For homework:

Vocab: Flocab WW1 is due this Friday.  You will have a quiz on Friday as well.

Writing: Begin thinking about who you want to interview for your family history project.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Hey all!

Welcome back!  Take a moment to check out the tabs above to get a better idea of our schedule and the classroom culture we will work together to have.  I am SO excited to meet all of you and I hope to see you tomorrow at our "back to school" supply drop off/picnic (5:30pm-7:30pm).

Hope you are all enjoying your last few days of rest and relaxation.

Ms. Evans :)